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74% of Mozambique's population

live on less than $2.15 a day


Unreached People Groups:  YAO - Population: 322,000 - People ID: 15988

                                              MAKHUWA-MEETTO - Pop: 1,583,000 - ID: 13236​

                                              MWANI - Pop:158,000 - ID: 13902

                                              KOTI - Pop: 151,000 - ID: 12812


Capital: Maputo (1,200,000 Population)

              NAMPULA (743,125) - Location of MAF base.


Official Language: Portuguese. 


Regional languages:  Makhuwa, Changana, Nyanja, Ndau, Sena, Chwabo, and Tswa


Population: 34.3 million (2024) DataReportal


Life Expectancy: 60 Years old


Population with HIV: 2,4 million.  Source


Orphans aged 0-17 due to AIDS: 1,300,000


Human Development Index: 183 out of 192 countries.  Source

                                               9th poorest/undeveloped country in the world.​


Gross Average Monthly Wage:   $67.   Yearly: $804


              Medical Doctor monthly wage: $979.   Yearly: $11,748   Source

              Police Officer monthly wage:    $328.   Yearly: $3,936    Source

              Official Minimum wage:             $117.   Yearly: $1,404


Mozambique was a colony of Portugal from 1498 until its independence in 1975.  Two years later, a Civil War raged from 1977 until 1992. One million Mozambicans died during the civil war and five million were displaced. In 1994, Mozambique held its first democratic election.  


Mozambique is a large sub-Saharan African country filled with beauty and natural resources. This former Portuguese colony is still reeling from the effects of a communist regime and brutal civil wars.  One in seven children dies before the age of five. One in nine Mozambicans are HIV positive. The UN ranks this country 183 out of 192 for social and economic development.


MAF is working to change that. MAF provides vital aviation services to mission agencies, national churches, and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) ministering in Mozambique.


Because of supporters like you, MAF has been enabling and maximizing ministry in Mozambique since 1999. From its base in Nampula, MAF missionary families and indigenous staff maintain and operate two aircraft (Cessna 206 and Cessna 208 Caravan).


​​​​​​​​MAF serves those who work with the Makua, Makonde, Lomwe, Chuabo, Yao and other people groups of northern Mozambique. A new partnership between a wildlife conservation group and MAF is bringing healthcare and the gospel to several villages in the northernmost reaches of Mozambique.

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